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The expertise to get your computer smiling again!

Dealing with computer problems? No problem! Have a professional, friendly and experienced computer support engineer come to you and get you up and running in no time! Comphappy! is based in Chicago's South suburbs but we service a wide swath of the Chicagoland area.

We GUARANTEE the quality of our work because we don’t simply pass your call onto a third party as some computer support companies do.

Our rate is $50 an hour. But what if your fix takes 1 hour and 15 minutes? Good news! We divide our rates by the quarter hour so you only pay for the time you need. 

Did you know that some "nerds" with the large support companies are instructed never to leave a client without having them spend $250, whether they really need to or not? We think that's outrageous!

At Comphappy! we have a NO FIX, NO FEE policy so if we can’t solve your problem you don't pay a penny.

Lastly, if you just need some advice or have a simple problem that we can help with over the phone, give us a call. We may even be able to get you up and running free of charge!

To arrange a visit, call us on 708-638-3606 or complete the Service Request Form.

Serving the South Suburbs and the greater 
Chicagoland area.